Frequently Asked Questions
Where are you located?
We are currently located at the Ellenton Ice and Sports Complex in Bradenton, Florida.
We know our local community loves to see us in Ellenton, but unfortunately, this is not our forever home. Have a large open-span space just lying around? Let us know - we’d love to consider it for events and practices! To learn more about what we are looking for, view our new venue news post.
When are your games?
Check out our 2025 Schedule for the most up-to-date info!
How much are tickets? Where can I buy them?
Tickets are $10 pre-sale, $15 at the door with discounts for kids and groups over 10.
What are the rules of roller derby?
TLDR - seriously; there are so many rules. It’s almost as if we made this sport up or something. Download them to take up space on your device.
How are the crowds at your games?
We are so lucky to have the best fans in the world. Our games are loud and exciting with hundreds of fans in the stands at every event. We also have a Fan Code of Conduct that we take very seriously.
Do you sell beer at your games?
Yes! No matter where we end up, we will sell concessions like most sporting events.
Is roller derby scripted?
Spectator 1: (leans forward in their borrowed chair, squinting to get a glimpse of skaters through the moderately-sized herd of referee zebras huddled in the middle of the track). “Is this even real?”
Spectator 2: (scrutinizes the backside of the ticket stub that was left on their work pinboard) “I’m not sure. The skaters look too happy. How can you look so happy getting beat up?”
Spectator 1: (shrugs) “maybe they get paid”
Announcer: “Huge hit on turn 2 by Bradentucky Bombers 413 Florida Cracker sends opponent 00 Tess Tickles flying out of bounds”
Crowd: (collective gasp)
Spectator 1: (eyes widened by pure fear) “holy ****. That was ******* *****. Yup - definitely not scripted.”
End scene.
Do you throw elbows and punches?
Old-school derby was known for its aggressive nature and dedication to showmanship. The modern sport of roller derby has evolved into an incredibly strategic game. While emotions will always run high on the track safety and sportsmanship are our top priorities.
Who owns the league?
We, the skaters, referees, and non-skating officials own the league! We pay to play.
What are the differences between the Bomb Squad, Nuclear Bombshells, and Fusion Bombs?
The Bomb Squad is our WFTDA charter team that competes competitively against teams all over the country. We are currently ranked #20 in North America South. The Nuclear Bombshells are our recreational WFTDA team who play teams that are similarly skilled. The Fusion Bombs are our open-gender team.
Do you have a code of conduct?
We have a zero-tolerance policy for sexual, physical, verbal and/or any other kind of harassment towards skaters, officials, volunteers, and fans. Violation of this policy will result in immediate removal from the venue. To learn more, please view our Code of Conduct.
Can my organization be a charity?
Each of our home bouts recognize a different local charity. Proceeds from raffles entries are donated to each charity. We appreciate any and all support for our local organizations and love being a part of the community. To become one of our charities for our next season, please contact us.
How do I join?
We hold two main recruitment classes every year, in January and June. If you don’t have any prior skating experience - these classes are for you! Check out our events for dates! If we are in-between classes, contact us via email or social media and we’ll get you involved!
I don’t know how to skate. Where do I start?
No. Experience. Required. Skating or prior athletic/team experience is always helpful, but not necessary. As an adult, it’s really hard to start something new and we get that! Just remember - when we’re learning and building new skills, consistency and practice is key.
Are there any specific requirements?
Any skill level is welcome, but all skaters must be 18 years or older. Not 18? Check out the Junior Roller Derby Destroyers out of Bradenton for ages 6-18 years old! Roller derby is a full contact sport that is both physically and mentally demanding. This is a recreational sport, but we understand the importance of strength, flexibility, endurance and most of all, self awareness. Derby is a sport of skill and strategy and not dictated by size or age. We have three teams: two WFTDA teams and an open gender team. Our league is open to everyone and we follow the WFTDA gender guidelines. To learn more, read here: WFTDA Gender Statement
How do I graduate from Firecrackers to a spot on the team?
Before graduating to official Bomber status, you will work with one of our skilled trainers and blast your way through Level 1 and Level 2 Firecracker programs. If you’re beginning with no prior skating experience, the process takes about 6-8 months. We like to remind folks that they get out what they put in! Not everyone learns at the same pace. Don’t stress - we keep detailed notes on your progress so we can get you on the track in the safest, most efficient way.
What is the time requirement?
As a Firecracker, you are not held to attendance requirements, like our league skaters. However, the best way to learn is to practice as often as possible. You will have dedicated practice with a trainer on Tuesdays and Saturdays and on Thursdays you will shadow a ref or NSO for scrimmage night. Once you have passed Level 2, your attendance requirements are 60% of practices (at least 2 per week).
What are the rules of roller derby?
For a recreational sport, we have an extensive rule book and case study with penalty scenarios. The referees use a series of whistles and hand signals to communicate when and how the rules have been broken. If you have a passion for technical verbiage and absolute derby power, then reffing might just be for you! If you are interested in learning more about the rules they can be downloaded from the WFTDA website here.
How much are dues?
Your first month is free. After that dues are $45 a month.
Where can I get skates and gear?
In the world of online shopping, there are a million places to purchase your equipment. With so many options, it can be overwhelming just to get the basics. Reach out to us before your recruit class and we can give you some recommendations. If you’re not ready to purchase your own gear, we can loan you a set! We can fit you with loaner gear (skates, knee/elbow/wrist pads, and helmet) that you may check out until you have your own. Our loaner gear has been well-loved and generously donated by our league members.