We know that roller derby costs money and sometimes we need help to continue playing the sport we love. The Bradentucky Bombers have a fund to assist those in need and are happy to help whenever we can.

  • This fund is available for any dues paying member, including brand new Firecrackers.

  • This is a waiver of dues and covers a maximum of 3 months dues within a calendar year.

  • To receive assistance, we ask that the skater maintain practice attendance and event attendance as laid out in our bylaws. If you have any questions about attendance, please reach out to a trainer or our events coordinator.

  • The current board will be made aware of the application, but we will do our very best to ensure your privacy and anonymity.

If you have a need for assistance in paying dues, please fill out the following form and the board will contact you. We have a few required fields so we know who to allocate funds to, but if you feel comfortable, we have an optional area to fill out why you may be in need of financial assistance. This information may help us in the future to understand how we can better aid our teammates.